Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Below are the card images of all the red cards in the first set, Fulcrum, of the Fulcrum block. With each image, I will include a short blurb about the card. I encourage anyone who reads this to leave comments about individual cards

As for permissions to print or use the cards, you may print them if you intend to use them in a game test with me. Thank you and happy reading.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes:The red legendary creature is pretty tricky. Ideally, he hits the ground running as a double strike 6/6 and returns to your hand to rinse and repeat. I can definitely see some serious adjustments because this card needs them.

UPDATE: The trick to making Argus work was to make him cheaper, I reckon. Yet, I feel, he is still kind of incomplete. I'm not sure sure what to do...hmm...

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And here we got a nifty pro-orc tribal card that has built in fling. You combo this guy with blood thirst and undying and you've got a wicked mechanic to play with.

UPDATE: Nerfed this guy a little bit but I can definitely see some heft potential for this chief to do some serious work with a blood thirst, orc, and deathvantaged deck. 11/4/12, fling on a stick is a lot of fun.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: I understand why goblins are a popular race in magic; they're one of my favorite monster races in Dungeons and Dragons because there is a lot of fun you can have with them. Yet, much like the zombie exclusion, I decided to give orcs a little love in this set.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A potential 4/4 hitting the ground to tear up some foes? I like it.

UPDATE: Ditching haste and changing the price makes this a worth while beast to behold. 11/4/12, a decrease in price and toughness, for the upside of haste? I can dig it.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Anti-black, anti-wither, and anti-infect for red? The question is, though, is the price right? 5 mana might be a little too expensive. We'll see...

UPDATE: Price change for the win.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: So, I wanted to take Firebreathing and kick it up a notch. Add on first strike and suddenly this enchantment because quite attractive.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Dwarves were the other race that I decided to give a little love to (I also really like those guys) and I feel like Dwarf Knee-Capper has a lot of interesting and respectable synergy.

UPDATE: An increase in price for an increase in power. The fact that he nets you an artifact can't be underestimated.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Red will need some ways to deal with artifacts. I like the fact that this one has a chain reaction effect that can be terribly brutal.

UPDATE: And here is a spell that I feel need a lot of work. Maybe I could make it really weird? Like it could counter an artifact and destroy a land used to cast the artifact spell?

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A simple and brutal little sorcery that brings the fire to the table. I like the fact that it can burn away cards into exile to help prevent recursion and the like.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A quicky spell to give your creature haste and a decent permanent buff? I can see this getting some play in decks with big bruisers and little bastards alike.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And here we got Lava Axe that really pays off if you play blue or red.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A nifty little manipulation of Inferno Titan that feels a lot more fair. He needs a little work, but the end result should be something devastating.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And you want an orc that is pretty tough and can remove creatures? We got that too and, honestly, its a lot more interesting than giving him double strike.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And red has some smell anti-community enchantment too? Classic.

UPDATE: Now this is a mean and punishing spell.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And look at that! A Red/Blue support card.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Black and blue get the new toy of Corrupt but I wouldn't dare allow red not to have some kind of devastating trick up its sleeve and Hijack the Monster is an awesome sorcery with the bonus of getting you to hit an opponent and destroy a creature in one swift move. Game-ender.

UPDATE: Now this is a complicated red spell that is supposed to be saved for a game winning move or, at worst, an expensive creature removal spell.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Red counters special lands. Nuff said.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A pretty beefy way for red to deal with big monster. We'll see how it fits into the format by the end of the testing and whether it needs some adjustment.

UPDATE: Simplified the crap out of this card to make it a worth-while sorcery. Instead of all the goobly-gook on the last version of this card, it is now simple, nasty, and fun.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Oh hey big red dragon! This is a pretty simple dragon, but I promise there will be more interesting ones in the future. For right now, he fits the bill as a big red game-ending flying threat of death on wings of awesome. So that works.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And pirates come in red too? Yup. Malakites are a race that opens up for a lot of devious fun and yes, he is a river pirate, which I think is pretty awesome.

UPDATE: Down-graded him to Pirate 3. Haste makes this a nasty card to have in general, but his toughness makes things fair. Fun moment? Pacean Farmer killing a Malakite River-Bandit with his pitchfork to defend his garden. 11/4/12, exchanged plunder for pirate.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Oh hi red version of Malakite Spellthief. His ability to tap creatures is also pretty damn useful for an agressive red creature strategy.

UPDATE: Simplified this guy up to set him up so he is cheaper but less control-worthy than his blue equivalent, Malakite Spellthief. 11/4/12, theft becomes pilfer.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And here we got a slimmed down Ancient Hellkite that can get things done. You put down a 3/3 for four and then when you swing you can clear the battlefield of creatures pretty fast. I love the flavor of this card and it feels pretty damn strong.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Mist Minotaur is a dignified and devastating four drop that, when combined with a beefy enchantment or equipment, becomes a devastating card. Expect more minotaurs to come.

UPDATE: Red is all about the devestating midway drop. You get 3/3 for 3 with haste and trample on an uncommon? Here is a guy who can do some serious work. 11/4/12, Mist Minotaur has gotten a little complicated with this new part to his card, but it might make him a little unsatisfactory. I'm still working on making him just right.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Oh hi there Raging Goblin that gets you an annoying ability for one mana. A nymble too? Nice. No black nymbles in this set, so the baddies have been red, and whats redder and badder than a big gnarly stoat?

UPDATE: Made him a little more expensive and a little buffed up for a red three threat that matches River-Bandit blow for blow (and River Bandit is common). 11/4/12, now he really kicks things into action to make him a real threat.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Speaking of baddies we have our standard, dastardly, and obnoxious thief.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: An Orc Warrior? Hm, doesn't seem too special. Yet.

UPDATE: Make that a knight that does some serious work.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Another very beastly Shock/Lightning adaptation that just feels right. 4 damage to an attacking creature? Yes, please.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: An enchanted with a red fireball effect that saves the creature to swing again? Talk about a satisfying combo to put down on the field.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Rawr! I'm a creature removing devil, rawr!

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Pyromancer's Sacrifice is a beastly upgrade to Plunge to Death that has the added benefit of putting a creature down on the field that you can set up for multiple sacrifices and multiple bloodthirst and death advantage synergies? Nice.

UPDATE: Ditched the elemental and now it deals 1 damage to target player.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: I really dig this card. Red humans are finally getting the support they deserve and Rorrani Head-Hunter is the kind of bruiser that really can make of break a deck. Combo her with creature sacrificing, bloodthirst cards, and creature removal for the win!

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: This will probably see play in a multi-color deck that needs a little beef in its diet.

UPDATE: Considering the tribal support of humans and warriors I debuffed this guy just a little but made him cost a little less. More testing will probably change this guy.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Another warrior but a 2/2 double striker for 4? Hm...He is a missing...something...

UPDATE: Better. Much better.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And here is big, bloodthirst, and brutal minotaur to throw down for some brutal beatdown action.

UPDATE: Changed the price and added a negative that contrasted Shy Minotaur. Is he still solid? YES! Making him 1 R and 4 off makes him more reasonable.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: But I like Shy Minotaur better. He is a creature version of galvanic juggernaut, for one more mana, and he gets trample? Pretty brutal in the right situation and fits perfect in a red deck with lots of popping, locking, and creature death.

UPDATE: Upped the power on this guy.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A fireball with some added token hate? What's not to love!

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Yo ho yo ho! A swarthy dwarf with some artifact support? Nice.

UPDATE: Dwarves have a really nasty and nifty trick I want them to play and time will tell if they're overpower in the end. 11/4/12, nerfing some plunder.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A cheaper creature specific fling card? A perfect combo with anything involving creature death advantage like Rorrani Head-Hunter or Undying cards.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A defensive red orc to buff up your red/white deck? I love everything about this card.

 That's all folks.

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