Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Below are the card images of all the black cards in the first set, Fulcrum, of the Fulcrum block. With each image, I will include a short blurb about the card. I encourage anyone who reads this to leave comments about individual cards

As for permissions to print or use the cards, you may print them if you intend to use them in a game test with me. Thank you and happy reading.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Black special enchantment is all about making your monster big, nasty, and almost unblockable.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Speaking of community hate! Here is a nasty one that can kill off weenies and keep them from attacking. Very dastardly.

UPDATE: Yow. Updated -1/-1 to -2/0.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: I like the duel usefulness of this card. You can use it to destroy just about anything with enough mana, get life for it, and its pretty solid. Good fun and good flavor.

UPDATE: Bonesplinter + Life gain is worth the effort.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Vampire tribal support and a useful enchantment is not something to balk at I reckon.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And so black needs some mill, but I wanted it to be swamp specific. The addition of making it cost black and sacrifice creatures sets up some good combos.

UPDATE: Changed to a common. Enjoy.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And this has a ton of usefulness. It puts -1/-1s on the field, thus you can put it on the head of the community and wipe it out in a few turns, or put on a big creature and reap the synergistic benefits that come with using this enchantment.

UPDATE: Name change.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: This card might see a lot of play, especially with combat damage effects, or just getting your creatures into the end zone.

UPDATE:  All creatures now have intimidate instead of no creatures can block. 11/4/12, price change to one extra mana.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And this was one of the very first cards I made. It saw a lot of manipulation and I really love the end effect. A little flying, wither, and vigilance for that vulture effect to kick in and then a little kicker to put something on the battlefield makes it worth it all.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Corrupt is a primarily black and secondary blue mechanic. I love the idea of it and how it works for flavor. As for The Crone, her ability to add wither to a creature she takes control of, which can be pretty big, has the potential to waste foes quickly.

UPDATE: And here is the big part of the update for 7/19/12; I think I've fixed corrupt. The compensation is to make it reliant on the creature being on the battlefield and making it "equal to or less than" instead of "less than". I also changed the power/toughness of these creatures. It helps take away some of the serious creature advantage black has had but not too much. It remains to be seen how effective this move is to the set.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes:And here we have the uber black removal that requires a little sacrifice on your end, but with the synergy of it, becomes totally feasible.

UPDATE:  Fixed the wording on the card to make more sense. 11/4/12, price increase.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes:This feels just so right and just so nasty. You can block things that the creature can't survive, regenerate it, and keep going.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Perhaps a tad expensive, this card will probably see use as a diabolic tutor substitute.

UPDATE: Name change to fit things thematically and a change in price/rarity.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And black deserved its own version of Mind Control for the set. That is all.

UPDATE: I gave it more of a black flavor with an obvious drawback (that in later additions could be helpful) to fit things better and simulate control by madness.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Plague? What the heck is a plagueling? I suppose we'll have to find out. As for this card, I like its vicious ability to put tokens on the battlefield with a real annoying keyword.

UPDATE: Changed the price of the enchantment back after finding its new cost made it a little too attractive, perhaps.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And this card probably will need some work to get up to speed but, at the moment, it can kill just about anything. I made this card while thinking of my buddy Justin

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A simple and brutal vampire that I expect to see plenty of play. And yes I know its Alucard from Symphony of the Night.

UPDATE: Cheaper brutality.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: My own twist on liches to make skeletons a doable tribe. I decided that, due to the rivalry between necromancers and vampires, it made sense that they would use skeletons over traditional zombie hordes because they lacked flesh to manipulate.

UPDATE: And slowly working out the kinks of this card. Potentially, you can cast him for five for a 5/3, but the more you kick him, the harder he would be to remove.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And this card is a very fun part of combo that I wanted to reflect the flavor of the set.

UPDATE: Fixed the text.
Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And here is blacks answer to mana get. The card is pretty much a weenie to be sacrificed, but the ability to get land will help set up some black mana fun.

UPDATE: Changed up his land get a little and he suddenly feels more appropriate. Ideally, you have no lands in your hand, put him down, return a card used to cast him to your hand, and then you just got a nifty land with ease.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Lich Dragon is another Ancient Hellkite with extra bite. This card may need some work, but I've just started, we'll see how it holds up down the line.

UPDATE: Dramatic name change to make this card more interesting and flavorful. Google Sequestrum at your own discretion, but it has to do with bone crumbling.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A little bit of black control is fun to have here and there.

UPDATE: Corrupt update makes this card arguably more playable.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A nasty little creature sacrifice card that I expect to see some play.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Two black dragons in the same set? What? That means there are more black dragons than red dragons right now? Something needs to be done to fix that...But I like this derpy dragon.

UPDATE: A proper dragon doesn't need help to fly.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: MIND FLAYER! Well, Nullnauts deserved a little not to their obvious inspiration with a nasty turn on the black mechanic of discard cards from an opponent's hand.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And mono black gets its response to mono white Zakarias. This nasty bit of fun has all the muscle that black could ask for. Easily a 4/4 or better when attacking or block with a bit of resistance to the colors most likely to nuke it.

UPDATE: Just fixed Morgrave's cost. 11/4/12, changed him to fit the new paradigm of 4 cast legendaries in the set.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Another which that taps into that blue control to do some devilish stuff is always fun to have going on. And you gotta love the flavor. Witches, toads, come on.

UPDATE: The Mother gets the same new treatment as the other witches.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A mono black nuke? Yes please!

UPDATE: This had to be made from a tactical nuke to a big nuke and the damage has been changed...why? It was far too devestating before.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes:Speaking of Mind Flayers, here is the big Nullnaut lord that can hold its own in battle and takes control of a pitiful thrall. Lots of fun.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A little nasty support to make Nullnauts a viable race. Wither is a solid mechanic that I think is far better balanced than Infect, btw, and I really wanted to bring it back. It gives creatures a bit of extra bite and makes each move your opponent makes riskier.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes:Now here is a nasty Nullnaut that has some creature removal all about him. By the time he gets into his first fight, he will put up to 6 -1/-1 counters on the table.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: I love the flavor of this card. The way it does mass removal or weakening is also cool. All I gotta say is that the Plague is coming.

UPDATE: Adapted this card to make it more feasible with smaller creatures. 11/4/12, fixed this to be more sensibly costed and effective.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: A Wither enchantment? I can dig it.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: How do you make a black tribe leave a mark? Something exciting like this little bruiser as your turn two drop.

UPDATE: Price fixing for this other OP skeleton. 11/4/12, changed the price back to its original and then nerfed it by making it come in tapped.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Skeleton Hellion is the kind of card that keeps on coming. *reads what he just typed and looks up at the flavor text* And I am dork.

UPDATE: Changed regenerate cost to 2 B.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: I wanted to give my recursion cards some flavor and this certainly does the job. You can steal  a big creature, give it wither, and give it skeleton tribal support. Fun fun.

UPDATE: Rarity change and name change for this newly uber resurrect card.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Play black a little aggressively and punish your foes for their courage. Solid.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: And here we got one of the first corrupt cards I came up with and it is a lost of twisted fun that fits into the nightmares of a good horror story and sets up horrors to come.

UPDATE: Fixed the wording on this card and I still love Tyrant Teddy.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: Holy macaroni is this a fun one drop that combos brilliantly to make Vampire Poet and Vampire's Lover a lot of good and flavorful fun.

UPDATE: Fixed wording.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: OH! So that's why there are black dragons! Cool deal.

UPDATE: Is now symmetrical, but more aggressive when it comes into conflict with its sister card, Griffin Cavalier.

Set: Fulcrum - Fulcrum 
Notes: The black hound was one of the first creatures I made and he really gets the job done viciously. He can remove most other creatures in his mana cost drop and punishes anything that he touches. This gets the job done and running fast.

UPDATE: Changed two -1/-1 counters to 1.

And that's that. Please leave comments below.

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