Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Below are the card images of all the white cards in the second set, Godfall, of the Fulcrum block. With each image, I will include a short blurb about the card. I encourage anyone who reads this to leave comments about individual cards

As for permissions to print or use the cards, you may print them if you intend to use them in a game test with me. Thank you and happy reading.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 1/185
Notes: Mayhaps a wee-bit overpowered, but that remains to be seen, this Fiend Hunter turned Angel defender gives white that third turn removal that white does so well. As for flavor, the card matches the set's theme of, well, bondage, restraint, and domination.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 2/185
Notes: This card needs some serious testing. It sets up the power of a white flyer deck, but might be too cheap or too powerful. Further testing will determine the card's future. As for flavor, Blackfeather Griffin shows us a more vulture like Griffin, as opposed to the majestic beasts presented in Fulcrum, like Griffin Crusader.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 3/185
Notes: This card is a pretty nifty and annoying piece of work. It's an angel that can't fly, can't attack, and can't deal damage. I think it is pretty flavorful, representing the casting down of angels by the Five.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 4/185
Notes: Clockwork is the white artifact creature theme, each color got some artifact creatures that are meant to resemble the Five's personal soldiers. Clockwork Angel is special because it represents another theme of having conditionally indestructible artifact creatures with fantastic effects. She is extra squishy, being an artifact and creature, when she doesn't have a Golem on her side of the battlefield, but with one she becomes a war machine. As for the flavor, the White Queen's Clockwork Army stands in opposition to the prayer-answering herald and, something that might be interesting to wonder, is where did the Five get their artifact armies?

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 5/185
Notes: This guy is a beefier version of White Wall Defender with the Achilles Heel of being an artifact creature (which has plenty of answers in this set and in the next).

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 6/185
Notes: An aggressive strategy for Phalanx decks is fun and Clockwork Knight brings the flavor of a potent two drop.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 7/185
Notes: And there is our potent one-drop for white in this set. The only reason it gets away with itself, of course, is the fact that it is an artifact. You got to love the flavor text of the White Queen, who is easily the most loudly spoken of character of the Five.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 8/185
Notes: White needed a potent answer to self-mill decks and this sorcery certainly gets the job done. Further research may lead to severe changes to this card.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 9/185
Notes: And it appears white spirits will be getting some affection in this set with their own tribal resurrection. This one is cheaper, has good and bad effects, but might still be overpowered...


Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 10/185
Notes: And here have a colored artifact that gets things done in a pinch. Attach this to something beefy and your opponent will be hurting before long.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 11/185
Notes: And then we have the big beastly griffins to round out this set's flying roster and build toward a griffin tribal for the set. Legion is an interesting mechanic, primarily red, and splashing into the other colors. It remains to seen how it will be balanced as a contrast to Phalanx.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 12/185
Notes: A nifty card in a pinch, it remains to be seen how well this card fits into this set. As for the flavor, it is clear that the fiends have the heralds on the run.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 13/185
Notes: One of the first cards nerfed in the se,t Knight of White Queen is a very likeable card and I'm a little concerned that my nerfing might of crippled her attractiveness. The flavor text is especially wicked and shows that the White Queen has her own idea of justice.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 14/185
Notes: And here we have a clear favorite amongst the white spirits of the set; the insane part? I made this card literally two days before seeing a blue version of it in M13's spoilers, Void Stalker, that is so similar that it makes me dream of being worthy to be on the R & D team at Wizard. Also, the flavor for this card sets up the white ghosts of our setting.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 15/185
Notes: And here is a card that I both love and hate; it feels terribly overpowered, I am not sure it fits its color, but the flavor is so right. Just read that flavor text and it shows you that the White Queen is a being of pride and expects those worthy enough to serve her to be proud.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 16/185
Notes: And here is our nasty legendary white creature for the set. Expensive, but difficult to remove and made of removal on a stick. The idea is that some of the angels that remain in Fulcrum, after the Heralds are cast down, are truly being of vengeance and other wicked distortions of justice.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 17/185
Notes: I really don't like this card and I really feel like it might need a complete makeover. The only thing it has going for it is that it serves well as a flyer in a red/white deck, but it really feels out of place in the set....

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 18/185
Notes: A direct contrast to White Wall's Blessing, this card has a lot going for it; it fits well in a deck that splashes white, it has great flavor, and it looks great. I loved making cards like Silver's Wall Blessing, because they fit so perfectly into the world I created with this set.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 19/185
Notes: And here we have an awesome white spirit that is a decent threat on her own and, once in your graveyard which can be aided by mill decks, puts threats/blockers down pretty quickly. I also love how she pairs with the Lost Child for flavor.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 20/185
Notes: Function and style? This makes the Spirit Warden a worthy successor to Jail Mage, which he resembles, and allows him to be a healthy counter to the indestructible creatures in this set. What makes him even more attractive is that not only does he have a nifty effect, he can swing away for some pretty hefty damage.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 21/185
Notes: And here have the fourth angel in a quartet of woe; Traitorous Angel is a rather wicked three drop but, in the right deck, can stall your opponent out long enough to get lethal threats on the field for the win. Also, I love the flavor of an angel betrayer and thing she is a cool card.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 22/185
Notes: A more targeted graveyard removal. As I said, I'll be thinking of clever ways to counter Pirate and the like. Maybe this card or empty the graveyard are the obvious solution? Maybe instea of exiling a graveyard, we could put graveyards back into libraries?

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 23/185
Notes: I like how the Five work together, but work against all the colors. White answers to a lot of black and red threats. Villain's-Slayer is some strong anti-tribal support.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 24/185
Notes: Just look at this anti-white, anti-land jerk. I see him having a lot of potential as a side-board against knight decks.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 25/185
Notes: And here is The White Queen herself. She is a nasty planeswalker with the ability to set you up with a small army, remove threats, and then nuke your opponent's side of the field to swing for victory. I particularly like this Planeswalker and feel it has a strong sense of its role.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 26/185
Notes: The White Queen has some variety to her appearance and, this card which functions for some fantastic flicker, also serves to set up some nifty imagery. The White Queen's Faint plays into the story and maybe it is more than theatrics?

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 27/185
Notes: Legendary enchantments need Legendary effects and the ability to eliminate your opponent's combat phase is pretty handy.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 28/185
Notes: And here we have a favorite bit of nasty control. This works especially well as a side-board card that answers all kinds of threats. You can slow down several decks with a few of these on the battlefield and the flavor presented is excellent as the White Queen is all about order and justice-- as long as its dished out by her armies and her judges.

Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 29/185
Notes: This is white's answer to enchantments and it might be overpowered. Perhaps, destroy an enchantment is enough of a bonus. Also, you gotta dig the flavor of an anti-mage in the set, considering Alustra, the kingdom the White Queen has taken over, was known for its mages.

And that's all folks. Please leave comments and suggestions.

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