As for permissions to print or use the cards, you may print them if you intend to use them in a game test with me. Thank you and happy reading.
Card Number: 88/185
Notes: And here we got a handy red equipment that, couple with a hefty beast or two, make it worth while time after time. Magog is an interesting angle for Devil tribal in this set and I really dig the flavor of red in this set.
Card Number: 89/185
Notes: I've been working to make this bastard up for par and his ability to torch your foes makes him a great ender and possible creature removal in a pinch. Being a devil adds to the tribal feel and you can see the various influences from past titans and giants in this creature.
Card Number: 90/185
Notes: This is a neat card that has been seeing some construction to try and make it feel just right; the hardest part of designing red cards is that I think I play red more than any of my friends (I have monored deck, a red/white artifact deck, and a naya deck or two). I love the flavor of this card though and like the flexibility allotted by it.
Card Number: 91/185
Notes: And here is a rather cooky and weird card that I have been working on; to be honest its a little mehish, but then again some commons tend to be a little wonky. Sometimes you gotta make a weird card to see what happens.
Card Number: 92/185
Notes: A nifty bit of red removal that favors creatures butting heads that feels appropriate given the flavor of this set; red is all about organized aggression.
Card Number: 93/185
Notes: Renewable shock is a lot of fun when combined with the ability to shuffle up your library (potentially messing up your opponent's strategy of banishing to the bottom of your library) combined with the dragon flavor for a truly fun sense of burn.
Card Number: 94/185
Notes: And here is a fun way to destroy a land and kill a bunch of creatures in the process.
Card Number: 95/185
Notes: I love this goofy two drop for its ability to hit the battlefield running for some hot burn straight in the end zone; he is the red hound to fulfill the fun of having a hound of every color for this set and I love this little bulldog piggy.
Card Number: 96/185
Notes: This nifty sorcery helps out with a red deck, but really I see it working incredibly with a red/white deck or something with a lot of small/cheap creatures or tokens.
Card Number: 97/185
Notes: And this creature could potentially build the back bone of a deck and I can see it getting plenty of play in any red/artifact deck as a cheaper version of the Chandra's Phoenix.
Card Number: 98/185
Notes: And here is the one drop Legion creature for you to build the foundations of a Legion deck and it certainly has some nice flavor.
Card Number: 99/185
Notes: Here is a creature I am working to build on a fun card or two I've read about it and mix it up into a nasty bugger capable of shutting down opponents. As for flavor, Mag-Og is the fiend prince that the Red King was willing to make deals with to swell up his forces with devils (if that's what he needs to overwhelm his foes), but at what cost?
Card Number: 100/185
Notes: A nifty mass bloodthirst 1? I like it and it helps show the more despicable side of minotaurs coming out in this part of the set with the Blood-Tribe minotaurs.
Card Number: 101/185
Notes: Potentially capable of some serious beefing up and (maybe worth some more work) the trick to this fellow is his minotaur/warrior tribal.
Card Number: 102/185
Notes: Here is a red staple for this set; with the ability to do some serious damage and, even better, the ability to just burn artifacts like its nobody's business makes this one of the best answers to a lot of problems that you can run into during this set.
Card Number: 103/185
Notes: Ravager is a potentially nasty bringer of pain that gets bigger and bigger the longer your opponent's don't check your aggression; I also love the idea of having this horrid evil minotaur to contend with and it shows there is some variety amongst the devils.
Card Number: 104/185
Notes: Sometimes you just gotta get nifty with anti-black and anti-wither and this card, which is basically a fun play on another classic card as well as a follow up to "punish the wicked" that I expect to see a lot of play against black decks. I also love the flavor that shows that the Five butt heads at times.
Card Number: 105/185
Notes: Orc tribal has its own tricks for this part of the set with nasty beaters and legionnaires. The berserkers serve up a potentially devestating monster that will be able to deal damage with the best of them.
Card Number: 106/185
Notes: I like Red Army Captain (and I dare you to figure out where the picture is from). He gives some one-sided orc support and exists as an orc tribal catapult.
Card Number: 107/185
Notes: And here is our entry way org that exists to give red some equip stuff and pulls ahead in a brutal fashion as a potential 4/3 with ease. I like to give people building tribal decks plenty of doable options.
Card Number: 108/185
Notes: Red's gotta get its artifacts and golem creature in action with some beastly cards like this monored trooper that sets you up with a brutal game ender. As a proponent of mono red decks and a lover of big artifact creatures, you can see my influence in these cards.
Card Number: 109/185
Notes: The Dreadknight is cool as the artifact version of a pretty solid minotaur like the Mist Minotaur and serves up some major woop-ass on turn four with the obvious weakness of being vulnerable to artifact removal.
Card Number: 111/185
Notes: Amongst the golems, let's just say that Red Exemplar leads by example, and gives your army of red artifact creatures that extra oomph. A fun note about the Red King's armies is that they're savage but organized, brutal but strategic, and mad but focused.
Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 111/185
Notes: And few planeswalkers have a more brutal and effective showing than The Red King and he demands removal. His first ability is pretty simple, his second is standard for the set, and his final ability annihilates most opponents. Maybe a bit overpowered, but it remains to be seen; The Red King is sort of supposed to be more devastatingly powerful planeswalker.
Card Number: 112/185
Notes: Here is a nifty enchantment I have been working out slowly but surely to be a devastating enchantment that feels red and is on par with the others (I know I use nifty a lot when talking about cards...weird). The Red King would have a study to hang out in; as long as it had spouting fire and ash for him to hang out in as he broods about his missions.
Card Number: 113/185
Notes: Maybe a bit overpowered and under-costed, but that's what testing is all about; the potential to wipe out your enemies side of the battlefield with a red card is certainly attractive. And, being the special Red King's spell, it needs to have some bang.
Card Number: 114/185
Notes: And here we have the red artifact creature that serves its own purpose in a niche with a red aritfact deck.
Card Number: 115/185
Notes: And here is the cheap red panic button that might just fill a special niche but is designed to be a tricky card to work with.
Card Number: 116/185
Notes: A brutal creature to be sure, the Brutalizer goes from a 2/2 to a 4/4 pretty quickly and can just get bigger from there. I like the flavor of having the Rorrani go from these broken people to these monsters of war.
Card Number: 117/185
Notes: And here is a nifty and menacing mono red fellow with some awesome tribal support; I expect him to be standard in any red-white legion deck.
And thanks for reading folks; please comment.
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