As for permissions to print or use the cards, you may print them if you intend to use them in a game test with me. Thank you and happy reading.
Card Number: 147/185
Notes: A potent and useful rare sorcery that annihilates pretty much everything and gives the player who uses it some nice card advantage. There are more multicolor cards in this set and even more in the final set.
Card Number: 148/185
Notes: One of many big seven drop creatures in the set that combines wicked tribal power with some great flavor; what is more legendary than the ghost of the slain Princess that Alustra is named for and what is better than a spirit machine with selective resistance.
Card Number: 149/185
Notes: A gruesome sorcery that fulfills the contracts of being multi-color, helping define a mechanic, and being all around a fun card to play. I love the art here which just sums up the disturbing and twisted pleasure of taking control of an opponent's creature.
Card Number: 150/185
Notes: The Maiden, The Mother, The Crone, and the Queen; the latter is too powerful and too proud to be part of any coven for long, preferring to sway kings and conquer kingdoms with the glint of her eye. I like the flicker effect that she can swing and she is the lowest costed of cards in the set. I am toying with her indestructibility since I changed her price to be more flexible.
Card Number: 151/185
Notes: Skeleton tribal has some real nifty effects and Lich Hell-Knight makes the skeletons, as a tribe, extremely more threatening. Not only does he make skeletons bulkier, he makes them more organized as a numbered threat, and does it while flying. A nifty card to have and a good reason to build a black/red skeleton deck.
Card Number: 152/185
Notes: An interesting part of the development of the set, was deciding how to implement wither mechanics, and it is worth noting that Wither was almost a Red-used ability. This card, a Conan the Barbarian reference, was a cool way to to show more of the cruelty you get from the destructive side of flavor in the set.
Card Number: 153/185
Notes: And here is a nifty enchantment that tries its best to slow the advance of rust monsters; maybe it needs to be cheaper and not be legendary? What are your feelings? I want enchantments to be a feasible mechanic in the set and to do so have been trying to create a card that works with the community mechanic.
Card Number: 154/185
Notes: The nymble tribal boss is obviously inspired by Totoro, a mysterious, chubby, and powerful creature. Nymbles are already low-cast creatures, usually, so Wood-Spirit sets up a late game onslaught of round after round of creature drops. He also makes a decent roadblock and is tricky to remove.
Card Number: 155/185
Notes: White and black knock it up a notch with each set, setting up the ideas of a potent black/white vampire threat, and this cards sums up the flavor of these fallen elves; The Old Ones are creatures that try to create order and any cost. I like this enchantments flavor since it demands removal and is trick enough to play on the battlefield.
Card Number: 156/185
Notes: White Queen's Curse is easily the most potent enchantment in the game and the cheapest way to get a creature in the game; all you have to do is be ready to destroy your own enchantments and watch your opponent grow angrier. The only problem with this enchantment? It's probably too tantalizingly useful. It needs some balancing and maybe some major changes...
Card Number: 157/185
Notes: Zicco is the rather expensive and powerful battleship that sets the scene for the black/white vampire tribal that was hinted in the first set; he is difficult to deal with, able to inflict serious damage, and boosts your vampires; plus just look at the awesome art.
Card Number: 158/185
Notes: Mage Bolt hits hard with an effect that either helps annhilate a foe's library or removes a creature; giving red/blue the best incentives since Hexellian Plasma and the Pirates of the set; but even in this new version this cards feels too potent and needs a little work. Expect another version of this card in the near future.
Card Number: 159/185
Notes: Rot Harbinger sets the entire scene for the black/green decks I expect to see prevalent in the metagame of the set as we really start dropping the hammer about this character the Rot Prince; a being that embodies an entire force of nature and is arguably a god on par with the Five as the embodiment of wel...I don't wanna spoil it. The trick to making Rot Harbinger a game-ender is to set up your deck to dump creatures, kill creatures, and the like until you can put this bad boy down for maximum damage. The only way I think I could make him more potent would be to make him uncounterable...but that doesn't seem fun.
Card Number: 160/185
Notes: The best graveyard recursion card in the whole set; I just said it, it is trickier to play, but if you pull it off then you've just put a creature down that is hard as crap to deal with and probably worth the five mana.
Card Number: 161/185
Notes: "OUCH!" is what comes to mind with this aggressive red/white card that can clear out the blockers if you put it down at the right time. The Wall is a symbol of stability, protection, and endurance in this set...the Red King burns down walls and the White Queen pours the armor of defeated dead on it.
Card Number: 162/185
Notes: Legion Captain is easily the weirdest of all the tribal supports; warriors are not super common in the set, but he is enough of a threat on his own to be worth the effort of building a deck around him.
Card Number: 163/185
Notes: And introducing the first hints of an ooze tribal in the set; Ooze Garden puts down deadly and monstrous ooze creatures to give green/blue its own self-mill mechanics to play around with and a little bit more a control angle to play with.
Card Number: 164/185
Notes: Artifacts have a pretty hefty presence in this part of the set and Bond Golem is a cool variation on a card I already liked; Thran Golem that hopes to create something truly beastly to throw in your enchantment decks for some variety.
Card Number: 165/185
Notes: Destructive, defensive, and flavorful; Builder's Colossus is a neat card to throw down in opposition of black decks, mostly, as he can trample over and crush wither creatures with not a worthy and block them the next.
Card Number: 166/185
Notes: A big colorless flyer can find niches in several decks to help round off creature support and I expect to see this card as some niches in the set.
Card Number: 167/185
Notes: There are two kinds of cards in Magic; useful cards that usually are ignored because their effects seem quite droll (but in fact build momentum) and cards that demand removal. This card is the kind of card that creates a reaction in one's opponents; namely, "DESTROY IT! DESTROY IT WITH FIRE AND BUGS!" and it should.
Card Number: 168/185
Notes: A simple and colorless automaton for the dwarf's army.
Card Number: 169/185
Notes: A tricky bit of golem support designed to help you build momentum and serve as a slightly expensive card when it doesn't serve a purpose; think of it as a 3/3 creature for 3 that nets you a card you need for 3 and it becomes obvious what a steal this is to get what you need.
Card Number: 170/185
Notes: No Whispersilk Cloak, arguably, but its ability to buff up a creature is pretty dang admirable.
Card Number: 171/185
Notes: And here we have a card that can allow some amazing work; put four of these in a deck with some big creatures and some support to get mana and stall to create a battleship deck with as many colors as you muster; that's what I'd like to see.
Card Number: 172/185
Notes: The cheapest soldier available for any artifact deck; this nifty card has the potential to be devastating in the right scenario, but might need some meddling to make it more workable considering how easy it can be to remove...
Card Number: 173/185
Notes: "War-Machine" is a name too easily thrown around; Legion Colossus isn't some measly Colossus he is a mobile army that makes your army even more mobile; throw him down fast, throw this bastard down, and annihilate your foe.
Card Number: 174/185
Notes: Another dwarf golem? Why not with legion?
Card Number: 175/185
Notes: Charms have been rather complicated to design and saw some quick rework after their introduction; the problem being that I want one drop artifacts that work well with a color and demand attention from all decks, but they can't be too powerful. The two that worry me the most in design are Mage Charm and Rust Charm; potentially Mage Charm can cripple an opponent and Rust Charm pretty much wrecks all artifact decks.
Card Number: 176/185
Notes: Uniformity is another part of the problem; I could make the more potent charms more expensive but that would rob the charms of uniformity and I like themes.... As for Phoenix Charm? I think its pretty much perfect for a monored burn heavy deck.
Card Number: 177/185
Notes: Plague Charm was the card that could be overpowered but I feel I fixed it through the changes to the card's mechanics after the first test; now it is still able to put 1/1 counters on a creature providing early game removal, helping removal, and/or setting up wither combos.
Set: Fulcrum - Godfall
Card Number: 178/185
Notes: Rose Charm feels the weakest of the bunch, but it can easily set up creatures that would be little threats into increasingly potent threats; I like it.
Card Number: 179/185
Notes: The "naturalize engine" might just be the perfect name for this overpowered card. Maybe Rust Monsters should hit the battlefield tapped?
Card Number: 180/185
Notes: A simple and colorless solution to land get, which is relatively scarce in this part of the set, and Scout-Ship also does the added and likeable effect of putting a flyer on the battlefield. But here is the big question; is it too cheap?
And thanks for reading folks; please comment.
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